

A high-tech dental center

At the Cousineau dental center, we want to make the best use of new technologies in order to offer the best possible care to our patients, in the greatest comfort. This is why we use technologies such as digital radiology or intraoral cameras.

What is a high-tech dental center?

As a dental center equipped with high technologies, we constantly seek to improve the comfort of our patients by investing in state-of-the-art equipment. These are chosen with great care and tested by our dentists, to ensure that only relevant technologies are used, with a view to always improving the care provided to our patients.

What technologies are used in the center?

ABC Technology for a Complete and Comfortable Dental Cleaning

At Cousineau dental center, we use the advanced ABC (Airstream Biofilm Clearance) technology to provide our patients with dental cleanings that are both effective and comfortable. This innovative method employs a combination of specific air streams, fine powder, and water to gently and precisely eliminate dental biofilm—an accumulation of bacteria responsible for cavities, gingivitis, bad breath, and even periodontitis.

In addition to significantly reducing the risk of tartar buildup, the ABC process is often complemented by ultrasonic scaling to ensure optimal oral hygiene. With this approach, your dental care becomes faster, more comfortable, and tailored to your needs. Experience a cleaning method that combines performance and well-being!

2D digital radiology

2D digital radiology is an essential tool for our dentists: it allows to have an immediate and very precise result in order to plan an appropriate treatment quickly for each patient. In addition, digital radiology offers the possibility of keeping a digital trace of the patient’s x-ray in his medical file and eliminates the development of x-ray films requiring chemicals, a good point for the planet!

Our dentists, thanks to this high-tech equipment, can perform panoramic X-rays, as well as cephalometric X-rays. Panoramic X-rays are useful to get a complete overview of the patient’s dentition, allowing a clear diagnosis to be made quickly. The cephalometric X-ray is useful in case of orthodontic treatment, offering an overall view of the face and the dentition and thus making it possible to follow the growth of the teeth in relation to the whole of the cranium.

3D dental radiography

The Cousineau dental center is equipped with the latest high-precision 3D radiology technology. With this type of imaging, dentists can obtain a three-dimensional image of all vital structures in the oral cavity; teeth, bone, sinuses, blood vessels and nerves. When planning treatments for surgery, sinus lift or implant placement, 3D X-ray is an excellent tool and it is indispensable for planning.

Digital dental impression

3SHAPE’s digital 3D scanner to obtain a 3D impression of a patient’s mouth. One of the major advantages for the patient is that it is no longer necessary to place paste in his mouth to obtain the impression. For our dentists, the intraoral scanner provides them with high-definition 3D images to improve the quality of the treatments offered. The efficiency of this technology saves precious time. The impression is sent electronically which eliminates delivery delays.

Intraoral cameras

In addition to digital x-rays, our dentists also use intraoral cameras to obtain images of the inside of a patient’s mouth in no time, allowing them to detect any abnormalities in a patient’s teeth, be it cavities, cracks or any other dental problem. The images can then be archived in the patient’s file and our dentists can prescribe the best possible treatment.

The diode laser

The diode laser is a net contributor to the comfort of our patients within our high-tech dental center. It makes it possible to perform a series of operations on the dental tissues, while being the least invasive possible. It is used in particular during treatments in periodontics and implantology. Indeed, it allows us to avoid having to resort to surgery that is too heavy for the patient and offers rapid healing. In addition, it has antibacterial power, which makes it possible to decontaminate and disinfect the patient’s mouth during treatment.

The operating microscope

Our dentist dealing with root canal treatment and canal retreatment is equipped with an extremely precise operating microscope which drastically increases the success rate of the operation.

The tools used during the manipulations

Our dentists are equipped with work glasses with magnifying glass and built-in lights to help improve the clarity of their vision when performing manipulations in a patient’s mouth. This allows them to gain precision and provide meticulous care. In addition, all equipment used to provide dental care to our patients is fully sterilized to ensure everyone’s safety and good health.

Get a healthy smile!